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A list of resources regarding racism

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Given the ongoing protest concerning racial inequality happening all over the world, we thought it would be a good idea to post resources so that everyone could inform themselves on the subject of racism. Below you can find various open access sources, from books to articles and videos concerning the issue of racism from a global perspective.


Why We Can’t Wait by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Ancestor by Layla F. Saad

An Autobiography by Assata Shakur

Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon

Discourse on Colonialism. A Poetics of Anticolonialism. by Aimé Césaire, Joan Pinkham, Robin D.G. Kelley

The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin

Beloved by Toni Morrison

Are Prisons Obsolete? By Angela Davis

More can be accessed here in this free Google Drive library:

Journal Articles

Blind Vision: Unlearning Racism in Teacher Education by Marilyn Cochran-Smith

Everyday Racism by Philomena Essed

Racism and Mental Health: The African American experience

The New Racism by Paul M. Sniderman, Thomas Piazza, Philip E. Tetlock and Ann Kendrick

Rethinking Environmental Racism: White Privilege and Urban Development in Southern California by Laura Pulido







Intersectionality matters!

Code Switch

About Race with Reni Eddo-Lodge

All My Relations

Witness Black History

The United States of Anxiety

Documentaries and films

Black Sheep - Oscars 2019 Short Documentary Nominee

Explained | Racial Wealth Gap | FULL EPISODE | Netflix

1960: "Harvest of Shame"

Jim Crow of the North - Full-Length Documentary

Human Zoos: America's Forgotten History of Scientific Racism

The US medical system is still haunted by slavery

How the US stole thousands of Native American children

Colorado Experience: KKK

Blackface: A cultural history of a racist art form

Watch This Documentary on Braids and Appropriation in America | ELLE

A Conversation With Native Americans on Race | Op-Docs

13TH | FULL FEATURE | Netflix

Confederacy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Police: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Discrimination in America: African American Experiences

Watch Live: Race and Racism in the Age of Trump

That Black British Feeling | BBC Newsbeat

Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves (Confronting Racism Documentary) | Real Stories

Apartheid in South Africa - Documentary on Racism | Interviews with Black & Afrikaner Leaders | 1957

Documentary 2015 | Klansville [KKK] The Rise and Fall of the Civil Rights

How Martin Luther King Jr. Changed the World | Full Documentary

The Murder Of Emmett Till (The Full Documetary)

Segregation in the South - A Documentary of the Absurd

Ex Slaves talk about Slavery in the USA

Black Pete

Why blackface is still part of Dutch holidays

Is "Talking White" Actually A Thing?

TED Talks

Three Myths about Racism | Candis Watts Smith | TEDxPSU

Racism has a cost for everyone | Heather C. McGhee

50 years of racism -- why silence isn’t the answer | James A. White Sr. | TEDxColumbus

Black Self / White World — lessons on internalized racism | Jabari Lyles | TEDxTysonsSalon

Let's get to the root of racial injustice | Megan Ming Francis | TEDxRainier

Daddy, What's a Racist? | Ahmad Ward | TEDxBirmingham

The symbols of systemic racism — and how to take away their power | Paul Rucker

Facing Racism: What You Can Do to Fight Injustice | Dan Gannon | TEDxBemidji

How to deconstruct racism, one headline at a time | Baratunde Thurston

How racism makes us sick | David R. Williams


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