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In this blog we keep you posted on everything you need to know about human rights and their violations in our world today.
In our stories we discuss human rights issues, the work of activists, historical backgrounds of conflicts, politics and many more interesting themes!

AISU Editorial
17 nov 20234 minuten om te lezen
How Student Actions Shape History: Commemorating International Students Day and Right to Protest
Written by Tamara Patajová
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AISU Editorial
19 jun 20233 minuten om te lezen
20th of June: World Refugee Day
Written by: Artur Karkusati & Isa van Rooy World Refugee Day, June 20th each year, is a day chosen to illuminate the struggles of...
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AISU Editorial
12 mei 20234 minuten om te lezen
Profit over human rights: The case of the Fifa World Cup 2022
Written by Diana Elisa Crucitti In our current economic system, companies focus on maximizing profit. However, this approach often leads...
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AISU Editorial
3 mei 20235 minuten om te lezen
The Kafala system: a way of recruitment or an exploitation tool?
Written by Anna Mordasova Living in extreme poverty, a lot of people dream to escape their difficult reality and seek better life...
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AISU Editorial
8 mrt 20235 minuten om te lezen
To bridge the gaps, we must go Protest!
Written by Louise Lehmann Since 1975, the 8th of March has been celebrated all over the world as “International Women's Day”: a day to...
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AISU Editorial
16 feb 20234 minuten om te lezen
Protest is a Right, Not a Privilege
Written by Paula Brečak As governments and those in power around the world ignore various social and environmental crises, as they insist...
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AISU Editorial
5 dec 20223 minuten om te lezen
Write 4 Rights Campaign: together, we can change lives for the better
Written by Artur Karkusati For more than 20 years, Amnesty International's annual Write for Rights campaign has been making a difference...
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AISU Editorial
1 dec 20225 minuten om te lezen
Power over the female body: practice of female genital mutilation in the world
Written by Anna Mordasova When we hear about female circumcision, what is the first thing that comes to our minds? Old African tribes?...
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AISU Editorial
22 nov 20223 minuten om te lezen
European borders are killing people
Written by Louise Lehmann The European Border Action took place on November 19th 2022 at 12 o’clock. People in cities all over Europe...
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AISU Editorial
20 nov 20225 minuten om te lezen
World Children’s Day: What children need to know about their rights
Written by Sara Voort Today, November 20th, is World Children’s Day. On this day Amnesty International stands for the human rights that...
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AISU Editorial
10 jun 202113 minuten om te lezen
The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Context from the 1900s to 2021
This article aims to provide context to the Israel-Palestine conflict. It sets out the history of the region and explains the current events
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AISU Editorial
5 apr 20219 minuten om te lezen
Putting People and Planet First: Ecocide and Indigenous People’s Rights in West Papua
West Papuas Struggle for the Protection Indigenous People’s Rights, Political Self-Determination and Environmental Justice
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AISU Editorial
1 dec 20204 minuten om te lezen
LGBTQ+ Rights in Turkey Under Threat: Activism is Silenced by Force and by Law
The Write4Rights campaign demands acquittal of charges for students who were raising their voices for defending the LGBTQ+ community.
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AISU Editorial
25 nov 20205 minuten om te lezen
Women in the Driver's Seat: the Current Situation in Saudia Arabia
Saudi Arabia is working on its image regardings womens rights. Women are receiving more freedoms, yet inequality and oppression remains.
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AISU Editorial
10 jun 20203 minuten om te lezen
A list of resources regarding racism
Given the ongoing protest concerning racial inequality happening all over the world, we thought it would be a good idea to post resources...
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